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Tutorial 1 - How To Start

Step 1. Click here to download the game. You'll see the message box below, please click the 'save' button.

Step 2. When the download is finished, run the 'arcadeboxsetup.exe' file you downloaded just now (located in the folder where you saved it in step1).

Step3. After you run the file, you'll see the installation starts. You can always click the 'next' button to move ahead.

Step 4. Click the 'Finish' button to run the game. (We also created a arcadetribe shortcut on your desktop, you can run the game by click the shortcut at any time.)

Step 5. You'll see the login box, please click the 'create free account' text to create your account first. It's free.

Step 6. Please input necessary info and choose your default avatar. Password should not be too simple. Abusive username and nickname are not allowed. Click the OK button finally.

Step7. You'll back the login box with your new account info fullfilled. Please click the login button now.

Setp 8. The tree list on the left panel displays game rooms. Click on a room name, a menu will pop up, please click 'enter game room'.

Setp 9. You are in the game room ! You'll see lots of players with different avatars and tables. Click the table beside a player to challenge him or click an idle table, you'll practise with the computer opponent.


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